Circular City: Green Fuel from Household Waste
The story begins in 1992, when the winter Olympic games came to Lillehammer, Norway. The games were promoted as “Green...
Cows Fuel Sweden’s Cars – The Birgersson Family Owning Hagelsrum Farm is Thriving on Biogas
The Birgersson family has been operating the Hagelsrum farm with 650 milking cows since 2008. With initial plans to built...
Recovery of Heat from Wastewater: HUBER Tubewin Heat Exchanger
Hot water is required in houses, apartments and public buildings all the year round. In addition to it’s use for...
Sustainable Energy Generation at the Frogmary Green Farm
Sustainable energy is produced at Sustainable Energy Generation located at the Frogmary Green Farm. Here crops are fed to an...
Brendale STP Upgrade Includes HeadMax® Suction Tube Clarifier Mechanism
A Hydroflux Epco HeadMax® Suction Tube Clarifier mechanism was installed into an existing clarifier at the Brendale STP. The unique...
Compact HiFlow™ Lamella Separator for Moura WTP
The Moura WTP processes water from the Dawson River. It provides drinking water to 2300 people. In 2016 the plant...
HeadMax® Suction Head Clarifier with EdiGate® Dispersion Inlet for Parkes STP
Parkes is located in central NSW and is famous for the Parkes Radio Telescope. Project Overview Recently a new sewage...
Hunter Water’s Largest Treatment Plant Installs LogMax® Clarifier with Edigate® Dispersion Inlet
The Burwood Beach WWTP is the largest sewage treatment system that Hunter Water operate, with a processing capacity of 44...
VeeMax® Sludge Clarifier Thickener for Image Flat WTP
The Image Flat Water Treatment Plant feeds Nambour, Yandina, Eumundi and coastal urban development north of the Maroochy River in...
Heavy Duty VeeMax® Lime Clarifier for Mt ST John WWTP
The Mt St John WWTP was upgraded in 2009 to include an advanced nutrient removal system. Project Overview As part...
Heavy Duty VeeMax® Clarifier for Mt Morgan WTP Lime Process
The Mt Morgan Mine WTP processes 6MLD of acid water from the sites tailings dam. The process includes for a...
Future Proofing Glenelg STP’s Secondary System with LogMax® Clarifiers
SA Water’s Glenelg STP processes wastewater from the south west region of Adelaide, with a capacity of to the equivalent...