Case Studies
Innovative Screening Solution for Bullsbrook WWTP
The Bullsbrook WWTP owned and operated by Water Corporation was upgraded to include a new fine screening facility to protect...
Outstanding Screw Press Performance for Bribie Island STP
The Bribie Island STP operated by Unitywater can process 5.8MLD of sewage. In a recent upgrade by Hydroflux Epco, the...
More HUBER Sludge Treatment Equipment for Ti Tree Bend STP
The Ti Tree Bend STP located in Launceston is owned and operated by TasWater. Project Overview As part of a...
HUBER S-Drum Thickeners for Tanilba Bay WWTP
The Tanilba Bay Wastewater Treatment Works has been upgraded to improve the performance of the plant to ensure desired environmental...
Protecting Ballarat South’s Sludge Processing Plant and Pre-fermenter
The Ballarat South WWTP is an advanced treatment system that discharges high quality effluent to the Yarrowee River. A recent...
Helping Gosford City Council Increase Plant Reliability with Sludge Screening
Gosford City Council operates a number of sewage treatment plants, their largest being Kincumber STP that serves approximately 130,000 residents....
Slashing Sludge Disposal Costs for Christmas Creek Sludge Facility
A major iron ore producer in Australia operates a number of sewage treatment plants, which all produce sludge. A number...
Hygienic HyPURE® System for Food and Beverage Production
Hydroflux have completed commissioning of a new 2.4 MLD water treatment plant for an iconic Australian soft drinks manufacturer in...
TFI’s Murray Bridge Plant: Pioneering Sustainability with Hydroflux’s Advanced Wastewater Treatment System
Thomas Foods International (TFI) is a leading Australian meat processing company that has made significant strides in sustainability in recent...
Kerry Ingredients’ Brisbane Site Enhances Sustainability with Hydroflux’s Sludge Dewatering Upgrade
Kerry Ingredients is a global leader in taste and nutrition solutions, specialising in the development of innovative flavourings and ingredients...
Hydroflux Industrial’s Advanced Clarification System For Huon Aquaculture
Huon Aquaculture is one of Australia’s premier producers of Atlantic Salmon, with their Hatchery being located at Whale Point Tasmania,...
Hydroflux HyDAF Installation at Burra Foods for Enhanced Efficiency and Reduced Energy Consumption
Hydroflux Industrial supplied, installed and commissioned a Hydroflux HyDAF HD -75 at Burra Foods in their existing Korumburra treatment plant...